On that note I went out to explore the idea of a Google-Drive docker image. The idea being you would use the volumes-from capability to access the information from the container connected to google drive which would also likely need extra privileges.
On that I was correct, the internet recommends time and time again that to get Fuse to work you need
I was curious if there was any way around that and found that indeed it is possible to only allow access to fuse by instead using
-v /dev/fuse:/dev/fuse
That maps the device into the container and surprisingly works.
For those interested in my dockerfile:
FROM base/archlinux
RUN pacman -S --noconfirm python2-pip fuse
RUN pip2 install ez_setup
RUN pip2 install --allow-unverified antlr-python-runtime --allow-external antlr-python-runtime google-api-python-client gdrivefs
You will need to get credentials as described in https://github.com/dsoprea/GDriveFS